- Asylum Exploration: Uncover the hidden secrets within the depths of this asylum. Each room offers clues about your past and the history of the place.
- Arsenal: Scavenge for weapons and ammunition scattered throughout the asylum to defend yourself. From sticks and pipes to firearms, you must use whatever you find to survive.
- Zombie Encounters: Brace yourself for encounters with zombie hordes. Each encounter is a challenge and an opportunity to hone your combat skills.
- Health Kits and Resources: Survival is key. Collect health kits and other resources to maintain your health and energy.
- Puzzles and Challenges: Solving puzzles will help you unlock new areas and discover escape routes.
- Immersive Atmosphere: Detailed graphics and a spine-chilling soundtrack immerse you in a world where danger lurks around every corner.
Asylum Nightmares is not just a survival game. It's a journey through darkness, a test of your skills, and a story that unfolds with each step you take.

Asylum Nightmares
Asylum Nightmares